Tuesday, July 19, 2022

from 'Face-to-Face' to 'Wall-to-Wall'

Is social media changing human equations? I remember when I was growing up, there were talks of children getting so involved with films and movies that they forget living a "Real" life and get swooned by the "Reel" life. Human equations were still quite "Real" then though. Today, on the contrary, children, teenagers. adolescents, youth, adults, senior citizens.... everyone are living quite a "Real" life - a "Virtually Real" life. There's no longer a threat of people getting carried away by the glamour of filmdom. People are smarter today i think. The threat is, however, far greater. The threat is that today people are getting captured by a virtual reality.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Go Confess!

As I stepped out of the St.Vincent's monestry chapel today after Mass, I saw a mother and her 2 sons coming out. The older one might be in 6th or 7th Std. and the younger one maybe in 2nd or 3rd. As they were about to leave the mother turns to the older son and says, "The priest is available today, why don't you go confess." The boy hesistated for a moment, but then obliged and went back into the chapel to prepare for his confession.
Now I wondered... today is no day of obligation and I'm quite certain there isn't a mortal sin that the young boy would've committed that required a confession! I was simply amazed at the mother's compulsion that her son must confess. How sensitive to the Spirit the mother might've been... and how open to the Spirit, working through his mother, the son was.

I wonder if I will be able to bring up my children in as much faith and obedience. May the Lord grant me the grace. Amen. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Son, Behold your Mother!

Ever thought why Jesus entrusted His mother Mary to John and not to anyone else of his 12 disciples??? Was it because he didn't trust the other guys enough! Think again....

The answer is pretty much there... (or rather Not there!) 'Coz there were None of the other 12 there at that time but John! Now there might be theological or more un-funny answers to this, but the fact also remains that the rest of them ran away.... no one else stood by the Lord when He most needed them. It was only John who remained and well, Jesus looked down and around the cross to see to whom he might entrust his mother and he saw only John...

There is much to learn of John's love and loyalty to the Master from this.

Will I stand by the Lord or like the rest, run, when it counts the most?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Face to Face with God

Its hilarious to think about such a situation. With God's absolutely great sense of humor, I want to believe that maybe that's what God said when Steve Jobs reached heaven.
With the same lense, I am visualizing the scene when I reach the pearly gates....
So Tina finally dies and reaches heaven for her judgement... and what does she hear....?

What do I really want to hear...? Would I have done all what I was supposed to have done?

Friday, October 21, 2011


Of times and seasons,
Of life and lessons,
Of discoveries and revelations,
Of trials and temptations,
Of inspirations and leadings,
Of observations and readings,
Of glasses and mirrors,
Of paints and colors,
Of hopes and dreams,
Of wants and needs,
Of ifs and buts,
Of bruises and cuts,
Of family and friends,
Of lifestyles and trends,
Of gags and digs,
Of experiments and guinea pigs,
Of God and His Plans,
His people and their stands!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Continuing the Journey....

If we look beyond this song as just a funeral song, we'll find such deep meaning in every line/verse. This song never fails to remind me of my journey to my Father's house... Happy Journey ppl :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What a God!

Abraham waited 25 yrs for the promised son... and when he got the son, the good God who had given the promise asked him to sacrifice the son... what a God! And Abraham agrees without questioning.... what a disciple, I say!